Monday, August 20, 2007

Waste some time with me

I occasionally e-mail interesting or fun links to myself. Then I forget about them and they clutter up my inbox, which is completely unwieldy right now. Yahoo's unlimited storage makes for lazy inbox habits. I'm not entirely sure how I found some of these. Anyway, it's time to clean some of this stuff up and put it someplace more useful. So, in no particular order...

A fun nostalgic video for people right about my age or so:

A page about the origin of state names.

A mildly amusing story about a Beatles-loving beer thief.

A video showing the fine art of Japanese cooking:

I got that video from a page of Rube Goldberg machines.

Continuing on the Japanese theme, they are apparently so good a ping-pong because they learned it in the Matrix:

And last, but not least, some Norwegian kids vandalize a train track:

Norwegian Kids Mess With Train - Watch more free videos

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