Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Kid Said Something Cute

Anybody remember this guy? He used to be on Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. He spent a lot of time saying things like "Bitdee bitdee bitdee... that's right Buck." Anyway, I think of him a lot these days. My son has reached the developmental stage where his mouth goes way faster than his brain, so it has to fill in some gaps while it's waiting for more words to come down the pike. He fills in the gaps with random noises that sound a lot like this robot. I'm not worried though. Either he'll get over it or he'll be well prepared for politics.

I'm sure my parents are laughing at this right now. I recall a while early on when I was told that I babbled too much or that I must like the sound of my own voice. I figured out later what they meant, but I don't think I really understood until now. Payback sucks. Ironically, I now hate the sound of my own voice. I probably still babble though. Oh, well, you can't win 'em all.

Now to the cute thing. I don't put too much of this stuff on here. Most times that people (myself included) think their kid just said the cutest, most interesting, most unique thing ever, they are wrong on all counts. Cute is clearly in the ear of the beholder, mainly the parent. However, Franny laughed at this and thought I should share it. I told the Mizz he was going for a ride in the backpack to the store, and he told me, "I go hiking. I go see trees!" Once we were in Fred Meyers doing our business, he yelled, "I go hiking in the store!"

Now wasn't that the cutest, most interesting thing ever.

1 comment:

Grandpa Phil said...

Janet and I think Mizz is the cutest, most interesting, and most unique grandchild ever. We are, however, open-minded about additional "cutest ever" grandkids.