Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dave 0, Coffee 1

I give up. I like the idea of not having to be caffeinated, but it seems beyond me right now. I haven't had much in maybe a month, but I've spent most of the month tired. It turns out that if you can't consistently get a good amount of sleep, the coffee serves an important purpose. Between work, a toddler, and the pressure I put on myself to "get...things...done", I rarely get a good night's sleep. So although I'm no longer getting headaches from missing my morning cuppa joe, I'm always exhausted. This might be tolerable if I was actually "getting...anything...done", but I think I'm just putting up a fight to put up a fight. Anyway, after another short night, I've succumbed to the beast this morning. Maybe I can at least drink a little less than I used to. We'll see how that goes.

As an added bonus, I can stop having to worry about Portlanders looking at me like I just sprouted an extra head every time I refuse a cup of coffee. I thought the masses with the torches and pitchforks were going to run me right out of town. At least I never stopped drinking beer, so that kept them somewhat at bay.

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