Friday, June 1, 2007

Forgot a couple things

In my rambling on that last post, I forgot a couple things.

Last Friday, I got new contacts. Way better for sleeping in. Apparently the ones I had are no longer recommended for sleeping, but I've been doing just that for ages. Nice to know. Anyway, the new ones are great.

And Wednesday, I went to the dentist. Not as much fun. According to the hygienist, I'm doing a good job of brushing and flossing. And then came the dentist. Although I have managed to avoid doing further harm to my teeth, some of my older dental work is in bad shape and needs to be repaired. This will have to come in the form of several crowns. I have a couple already, so I know what's in store, but that doesn't make it much better. The other bonus is that my dental insurance will run out after about two, so they will probably be spread out a bit. That's okay by me. This is a new dentist, and he had an excellent little camera to show me exactly what he was talking about. The camera was great, but I don't think anyone wants to see his or her teeth in that much detail, much less someone with teeth like mine. What it mainly showed me is that my previous dentist either ignored some problems with my old filling or just didn't care about them. Good riddance. The only good thing about all this is that he was giving free whitening to new patients, and I'm sorry to say that although many of you have been polite enough to ignore it, I need that very much. That at least makes a tiny dent in the thousands of dollars of crowns I can look forward to.

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