Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Starlight Run

One of the many cool things about Portland is the Rose Festival. And one of the cool things about the Rose Festival is the Starlight Run. It's a regular race, but with a Portland twist. Everybody runs in a costume. We've seen a pregnant (not really) woman running next to a doctor (not really) and being chased by her husband (maybe) carrying a suitcase (really). There was a tree, which seemed hard to run in since the tree had no arms. There were several guys from Portland General Electric running tied together dressed as a power station, several power poles and a house. Lots of guys in dresses and people in clown wigs. All sorts of silly crap.

Anyway, I've decided to run it this year. That sounds impressive, until you realize that it's only 3.1 miles long. However, I'm in awful shape (you know post-partum and all that), and it's a good motivation to change that. I don't want to be the only idiot huffing and puffing to finish a 3 mile race. I'm trying to get Franny to run with me. Maybe we could do some silly-ass costume together. I need some idea help though, because although I'm motivated to get some exercise and be good for this, I still lack the creativity to come up with something good for a costume. Any ideas?

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