Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One more thing...

I'm sure everyone reading this (all 3 of you) have seen the cattle guards where roads cross fences, you know, the bars across the road that cows can't get past. Well, apparently Idaho has the dumbest cows in the country. Here, you get on a highway off ramp and you go through the fence like anywhere else, but instead of bars across the road, they've just painted a few white lines. So, either Idahoan cattle are dumber than average, or Idahoan people are so nostalgic for good-ole' open range cattle herds that they paint lines on the road to pretend it's still true. Which is weirder?


Franny said...

I don't get it. The cows don't cross the white lines? Are the cattle guards really that obtrusive? What's going on?

Dave said...

The cows don't cross the old bar versions. I don't know what the deal is with the lines. I never saw any place where cows on the highway looked liked they were going to exist. Lots of cows, but they were always on the other side of barbed wire that seemed to be doing a fine job. Maybe there are no cows old enough to even remember the bars. All the current cows just remember the stories their great-grand-cows used to tell them about the evil mysterious lines on the road, and after a few generations it's common cow superstition and nobody remembers that the lines used to be bars, but they KNOW they're not supposed to cross them. That must be it.