Monday, January 5, 2009

Overheard at work

Among the many places I work, I am occasionally in R&D test kitchens.  They're pretty cool actually.  These people can come up with anything and have very well stocked kitchens to do it with.  But anyway, standing around tasting things all day apparently makes you a little punchy.


"It's kind of chewy."
"Yeah, you have to hold it in your mouth for a while, like for an hour."


"It's a good source of calcium."
"It's also a good source of butt fat."


"Did you taste that bean thing the other day."
"It was awful.  It was like beans cooked with grass clippings."
"All I could think of was dirt.  It really smelled like dirt when I microwaved it."
"It tasted like a funeral for your pet."

[I can't say as I understand that last part.]

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