Friday, January 2, 2009

Can you keep the printer not coming to me?

A couple weeks ago, the Mizz was babbling his way through dinner and among other things, he started talking about the printer.  For some reason, he blurted out, "Can you keep the printer not coming to me?", I believe as some sort of toddler joke.  I didn't understand, so I asked for some clarification, and he repeated it.  In talking about it, however, it became clear that his little 3-year-old brain had latched onto it, and he actually got worried that the printer was going to come and get him.  He really needed me to make sure to keep the printer away.  For the next couple nights, the last thing we had to discuss on the way to bed was that I would keep the printer not coming to him.  I finally managed to convince him that, first of all, printers didn't usually try to get kids, and second, I had tied it to the computer AND the wall AND the phone.  I showed him the collection of wires and cables sticking out of the back of it and that seemed to be that.

A short time later, the Mizz started to ask about fire.  I don't know exactly what triggered it, but he seemed pretty concerned.  Every night, he asked, "Will you come get me if there's a fire?"  Each night he thought about it a little more and it morphed into things like, "If there's a fire outside the window, and we open the window, the fire will come inside.  If there's a fire outside the door, and we open the door, then it will come inside and we'll have TWO fires.  If there's a fire in the WHOLE room, then we'll have to jump over it.  Will you help me jump over the fire?"  "We could build a hose INSIDE if there's a fire.  Will you build a hose inside?"  "That's why we have a smoke betactor."  "I have some more questions about fire."  It finally settled back down to, "Will you come get me if there's a fire?" and then kind of chilled out for a couple days.

Then last night, as I'm leaving the room, I hear, "Will you come get me if there's a fire or a printer?"

[Added 1/20/09:  He's recently added, "Will you come get me if there's anything that makes me sad?  But that's mostly just fires and printers."  It must be hard to be three.]

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