Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, I'm back working in Idaho again. More of the same stuff from last year. First, it was Boise for a couple days. Now we're in Twin Falls, and tomorrow it's on to Pocatello and the rest of the eastern end of the state. Colleges, food processing plants (cheese, sugar beet, potato, etc.), government labs, and all sort of other fun places. The theory is that we'll work straight through as quick as we can manage and be home next Friday. That'll probably mean late days and working through the weekend.

However, if I can get home Friday, then on Saturday, Franny and I and the Mizz can turn around and hit the road again to see my folks new house on Whidby Island. I need to see it before they remove too much of the 70's from it. Plus I hear the view is awesome.

I happened to notice a weird story in the Oregonian the other day. The main bridge coming into Twin Falls over the Snake River Canyon made the news. Some genius was parachuting off it when a gust of wind caught his chute and gently snagged him on the bridge. By gently, of course, I mean he broke his leg, ankle, and arm and dangled in the breeze for two hours. I'm not sure jumping off bridges is such a great plan. I'll try and avoid it myself.

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