Friday, September 28, 2007

Guys Weekend

Well, the Mizz and I are on our own this weekend. Franny left this morning to visit a friend in Chicago, so it's just us guys for the next couple days. It's new for me, since I've never been totally in charge of him for even a whole day. The Mizz seems to be taking it pretty much in stride, although "Mama ona twip" seems like a vague concept to him. He still tells me that "Mama takin a shower" or "Mama ina bafwoom" from time to time. This whole thing is new for Franny, as it's her first night away from him ever. I'm sure she'll miss him, but I'm also sure she'll enjoy the respite. Due to work, I've been away from the two of them far too regularly, but it's an experiment for her.

I wasn't sure how I'd do, but I think I'll be alright. I've had him solo lots of times at various points of the day; it's just a matter of stringing them together for four days straight. And actually, it isn't that much different than a normal work day for me. For the most part, I'm pretty much committed by work or the Mizz from the time he wakes up until he's in bed for the evening, just now I'll remove the "work or" part of that phrase. I still get about the same evening time for personal stuff plus and hour or two during nap time. And like it or not, my nights on the road have more than prepared me for quiet evenings alone. So, although I'd prefer to have Franny here, both for the company and the assistance, I think I'll survive, and I know she deserves the break. Have fun in the Midwest Babe.

1 comment:

Grandpa Phil said...

Have fun with Mizz. I'm sure he'll keep you busy.

Would Franny be able to webcam while she's away? Mizz might get a kick out of seeing his mom onscreen.