Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Mizz!

The Mizz is officially twice as old as he was yesterday. He turned two. We made him say that many times, but I don't think he knows what he's talking about. He likes to count, but the numbers don't mean much to him. He can count quite well to 13, but that means that there are 13 of anything he counts. If he runs out of things, he just points to the same ones again until he gets to 13. And then he gives himself a big "YAY!" He even had 13 feet the other day. He counted them both a couple times and then moved on to lights in the room until he got to the proper number.

We surprised him this morning with a train set -- his first. As you can see, he dug right in.

Five minutes later, witness the destruction that is Mizzilla. He didn't really need the track set up anyway since he mainly just liked stuffing things through the wonderful suspension bridge, whether they fit or not. It turns out that, with persistence, even a helicopter or a jetliner can go right on through. I'm sure Jerry Brockheimer would like to know that little tidbit. I highly recommend clicking and enlarging this second picture. His expression is priceless.

It was a fairly low-key day for the Mizz. Franny took him to the zoo and then we went out to eat this evening at Claim Jumper with some family who wandered into town. The food was fine, but there was WAY too much of it. I ordered a half-size country fried steak (Yes, there's still some southern in me.) that would have overlapped the sides of a normal plate. Luckily they brought it on a platter. I can't even imagine the size of a full order. I imagine a side of beef, breaded and deep fried in a hot tub. The Mizz had a good time coloring on his place mat and eating the food Franny smuggled in from home. They even had a free kid's plate with cheese and applesauce, so he was set. He could get as loud as he needed and nobody in that place could even hear him over the din of the cavernous room. Excellent place to take a toddler.

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