Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Pink Eye!

Not me. The boy brought it home from daycare. I really hope I don't get it, although I usually manage to pick up whatever he drags in the door. Cross your fingers for me. I don't really know much about pink eye. I don't remember ever getting it, although I can't be sure. I know it's crazy contagious and makes you look perpetually sad or allergic. I know you're not supposed to go to school or work with it -- probably not planes either. This is already going to mess up tomorrow, which was pretty tight already since vacation starts Friday. At least Franny and I will be able to split the day so we're each only partly screwed. Hopefully, with lots of hand washing and extra no-touching care, I might sit this one out. We'll just have to plan on chasing Mizz around the airport with hand sanitizer and anti-microbial wipes. Joy.

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