Monday, February 16, 2009

Who's your favorite president? Okay, now which one's the best?

C-Span released their 2009 Historians Presidential Leadership Survey today.  It ranks all the past presidents in a number of categories and called the overall winner as...drum roll please...Abraham Lincoln, who, you know, totally rocked.

As I'm sure everybody already knows, James Buchanan is officially the WORST.  PRESIDENT.  EVER.  Actually, I admit that before checking Wikipedia, I couldn't remember what he might have done that would warrant that title.  Apparently he didn't really do anything.  As in, he did nothing to stop the South from seceding.  That might have been it.

For the record, W came in number 36 (out of 42, if you have to ask).  Obama is still leaping tall buildings and shooting laser beams out of his eyes, so historians haven't noticed him yet.

The link at the top goes to the official C-Span survey page.  It has the whole list, as well as breakdowns of the categories in the survey.  A little light reading for political junkies.

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