Tuesday, November 4, 2008


For all my noise last night about our outdated electoral system, it looks like the most popular candidate did manage to win again.  Congratulations, President Barack Obama.  (I know it's President-elect, but that's awkward.)

This is a weird situation for me.  I'm not normally one to wear my political preferences on my sleeve, or at least not to feel strongly about them, anti-W sentiment excepted.  But I'm actually happy for the outcome this time.  For the first time ever, I feel like I voted for someone that I actually want to see get the job, rather than just the lesser of two evils.  I don't pretend that Obama is without flaw, but he's the first politician that actually made me want to vote for him.

I have to admit, however, that after the last eight years, the Democrats would have had to nominate Tom Delay for me to consider voting Republican.

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