Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My calves are still sore

This weekend, we took the family out for the Providence Bridge Pedal. This is an annual event, in which the city closes half of each bridge for exclusive bike traffic, including the two interstate bridges. This does not amuse drivers, who are stuck with detours and delays all morning. Too bad. Actually, due to the fact that one of our kids only has a plastic tricycle and the other one barely has feet, we chose to do the Bridge Stride instead, which only covers two bridges. I'm not sure how many walkers there were, but there were 18,000 total walkers and bikers. The Mizz rode in the backpack (hence my sore calves), and D rode in the stroller and slept, the lazy bum. Here is a picture of us setting out.

And here we are heading up an off-ramp onto I-405. This felt wrong in more ways than the sign can convey. For an added dose of wrong, marvel at the optical illusion created by the confluence of the dark pad on the backpack, my cargo pockets, and the Mizz's shoes, making my backside look positively enormous. Perhaps I should walk on the freeway a little more often.

Here is a view from the top of the Freemont Bridge. This was pretty cool, since you usually see it at 55 mph, when you are not up there for long and you really ought to be watching the road anyway.

And finally, I don't understand all the fuss about closing Starbucks stores. We can get lattes in the middle of a frickin interstate highway down here. High speed drive-through is the wave of the future.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Slo-Mo Lightning

This is just cool!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Do you agree?

A while back, we were discussing something with the Mizz and we asked him, "Do you agree?" He got a hurt look on his face and responded with, "No, I'm not a gree." So of course, Franny and I take every opportunity to ask him again, while agreeing that we are indeed grees. This does not please him.

However, tonight things changed. I asked him if he was a gree and got a resounding, "YES!" He then proceeded with, "It's 80 grees out! That's a lotta grees!"

I know, I know, I know. My kid said something cute. Probably way cuter than anything any other kid has ever said ever. Franny thought I should share it. I suppose it should say something that I haven't blogged in a month, and this is what I choose to go with. Maybe I'll be a functional member of society again someday, but apparently not yet. For now, I'm just a gree.